The assessment of subtitling the Arabic movie (Black Honey) to English on Netflix using the FAR model

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


جامعة سوهاج


The study assesses the subtitling quality of the Arabic Movie Black Honey on Netflix depending on the FAR model for interlingual subtitling assessment. This model is designed by Jan Pedersen (2017) and includes three areas of errors to be analyzed which are functional equivalence, acceptability, and readability. It aims to guide the subtitlers of the platform to enhance the English subtitling of Arabic movies and attract more audiences. This is conducted by illustrating the most frequent types of errors according to the FAR model. Also, it might be beneficial to novices and armatures who subtitle movies and videos on social media as well as college students who sign up for a subtitling course. According to the score of errors in the movies, the vast majority of errors are in the first area of assessment of the FAR model i.e. functional equivalence; especially, semantic errors. The findings show that the observance of the FAR model at the stage of subtitling revision .greatly helps in improving the quality of subtitling

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